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If you have friends who don’t value you or who drain you emotionally, or maybe your coworkers are toxic, that keeps you from being your best. It keeps you from coming up with ideas to better your life.
If you have friends who don’t value you or who drain you emotionally, or maybe your coworkers are toxic, that keeps you from being your best. It keeps you from coming up with ideas to better your life.
If you have friends who don’t value you or who drain you emotionally, or maybe your coworkers are toxic, that keeps you from being your best. It keeps you from coming up with ideas to better your life.
Take care of the noise around you so that you can focus on the task right in front of you. Running out of time in the morning? Think about what you could do the night before to help make your morning more efficient. Once you’re able to complete the tasks at hand more efficiently, you’ll find you have more time to focus on yourself.
Top 5 – Prioritizing Your Life and Money – What are your top five when it comes to your priorities in life? Have you ever asked yourself that question? I’m talking about seriously contemplating what’s important.
Since we all know that we will transition from this Earth, we have to decide what beat we are going to rock out to.
I’m kidding, but at the same time, I’m serious. I remember when I first got my driver’s license. I had the song picked out for weeks. I was not moving my car until I got it to that track, and I played that song over and over again.
Money and greatness go hand in hand, but the most important thing to remember is that greatness has to be measured by your standards. The feeling of being great is a drug that can lift you up and take you where you want to go. The accolades can be enticing.
Since I was a kid, my father taught me not to hide behind wealth. He refused to buy me anything to impress friends. Not that he was making a righteous stand; he was cheap and didn’t care to impress folks. I’m proud to say, I inherited that cheap gene.
I Don’t Need Life Insurance. How being invincible secures your family’s future. I don’t know if you know this, but I don’t need life insurance. I know you might think this is insane because I am a father of three whose wife hasn’t left him—yet. There is a straightforward reason for this, and it is perfectly sane.
What Any Father Can Learn from Kobe Bryant Legacy. Ever since I can remember, I have been a Laker. I remember pacing in my living room nervous as all hell because the Lakers were down against Boston. One minute I’m worried, and next thing I know, Magic caught the ball and did the baby hook at the free-throw line to win the game. We had finally beat the Celtics, and I jumped and screamed hysterically in celebration.
Why all parents deserve to live it up in Vegas! I am all about saving money. Even when I am doing something as indulgent as going to Vegas. Here’s a little secret. You want to have a good time in Vegas? Do you want to have a blast? Hang out with your disabled friend! I don’t mean to make light of the situation; it’s quite depressing what happened to him. However, when life gives someone else lemons, why not drink the lemonade with them.
Handling a Budget While Self-Employed – How to handle your money, your marriage, and your family. So, you’ve decided that you want to be self-employed. You want all the glory of being your own boss. I have to say there is nothing like it. All of the freedom—waking up when you want. All of a sudden, it’s all on you to make the sales.