It seems to me that there is a whole lot of advice out there to help you make smart choices with your money, but the advice doesn’t seem to be getting anyone anywhere. And honestly, nobody I know is giving out horrible advice. I mean, I am talking about the main players out there. Not the one-off people with no credentials. I could sit here and argue with you regarding index funds vs. mutual funds. I could argue with you over whole life Insurance vs. term insurance. I could also put up a good argument on whether you should pay your home off early or not.
If you are a runner, it is like arguing over which sneaker is better.
You may have your personal preference, but they are all going to get you to the finish line. The thing you need to do is simply run. You can adjust later. Point being, I just want you to run. I want you to budget. I want you to save. I want you to realize the impact that you are having on your family. I also want you to realize that it is all connected.
When you are happier, then your spouse will be happier.
When you two are happier together, your children will be happier. More importantly, you’ll stop wasting your time worrying about money. Instead, you’ll get to focus on the cooler things in life, and that is where I want to get you to. I want you to wake up excited in the morning and ready to go. If you are excited and ready to go, your children will be excited and ready to go. If you are eating healthy, then your children are eating healthy. If you are curious, then they are curious.
Nothing else matters.
Stop arguing over a Traditional or a Roth IRA. Just pick one and fine-tune later. I am trying to motivate you to be the best you can be. I am trying to get you from A to Z. At the end of your life, I want you to reflect on how you lived and say I killed it. I don’t just want the overview of your life to have meaning; I want every day to have meaning. At the end of each day, I want you to say, I got up and smelled the flowers today.
I felt alive.
I want the cold air on your skin to make you feel alive. I want you to reflect on your day and think I got to enjoy my children today and I felt the love. I want you to be present in the moment with your spouse. On your way to work, I want you to think to yourself, Wow, I really felt it when we kissed goodbye this morning. I can’t wait to get home and kiss those lips again.
I want you to be able to be in every moment of every single day.
Yes, it is a grind, but I want you to enjoy the grind. Sure, you are going to be tired some days. Yes, you will have a headache on others. But if I can have 360 good days and 5 bad days, then that is what I’m going to go for. I am here to motivate you to be in control of your budget so that one day you don’t have to worry about your finances.
That is what motivational finance means to me.
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